“Fact is merely the consensus of opinions”: For example, the Earth was once widely thought to be ‘flat’. Now the vast majority think it is mostly spherical. Hence a new fact. So, don’t believe everything you hear as it ‘may’ not be true. Especially, if there are dollar signs around it.
This blog is a compilation of interesting facts. If you post one, it must be accompanied by a reference link for the post to stick.
There are over 1 trillion species with which we share this planet.
Science Alert
Humans are causing extinctions 1000 times their normal rate.
Without debate humans are accelerating the demise of our planet.
The Guardian
The most damaging industry to the planet is ‘fashion’.
The average square foot in an American home has doubled over the past 50 years.
We are throwing away 4 times more garbage per person than we did 50 years ago.